Friday, March 2, 2012

A group photo with Israel and Hannah, Prabhu the warden and our bus driver

Special Announcement


At our meeting with the board of the children’s home they decided they'd like to take in some baby girls. Madurai District is one of the worst for killing and abandoning baby girls, with many being left at hospitals or thrown on rubbish heaps at the side of the road. We are pleased and impressed by the board's decision, as it would have been simpler to continue to care just for orphan boys. Once we have sufficient funds, child sponsors, and appropriate government approvals, we’ll construct some additional accommodation, and give some girls a second chance at life in a place where they can grow up and receive lots of love and care.

Hales Feb Visit - Trip To Black Thunder

Early in our visit we took the boys on an overnight trip to Coimbatore for a bit of fun and relaxation. After a 5 hour drive, we dropped in to see our friends Jo and Robin who are setting up a YWAM base there. Jo is from our home church while Robin is from the neighbouring state of Kerala. They have a beautiful baby boy Nathaniel. In the photo below, you can see everyone crammed into their sitting room enjoying snacks and cool drinks. Geoff and I stayed the night while the rest bunked down on the floor of a local church. The next day we went to Black Thunder Park which has lots of water slides, pools and rides. We received a surprise blessing when the management heard we were from a children’s home and gave us 50% off entry fees and a free meal each from the restaurant. It was so lovely to cool off in the pools and lots of fun going on the rides with the kids. Everyone had a fantastic time but the trip home was very quiet as children and adults slept most of the way – poor drivers, no one to chat to.

Hales Feb Visit - Construction Indian Style

Traditional building methods used in India sometimes leave us shaking our heads over OH&S issues. The only mechanical item used on-site during the current building work was a small cement mixer on the day the roof slab was poured. To work on the exterior walls hand tied bamboo ladders and scaffolds are used and painters are suspended by a rope held by another man. Please don’t anyone distract the guy holding the rope!

Hales Feb Visit - Farm Development

Water is still being released from the dam, so our well continues to refill each night. However due to power shortages our pumping time is greatly reduced and sometimes pumps have to be turned on and off and pipelines moved in the middle of the night. Israel has arranged to pump extra water from our neighbours well, so we can water all the fields when power is available. However we’ll need to convert to a diesel motor and install underground pipes to cope when power outages increase during the summer months. The rice fields look lush and green in stark contrast to the unplanted fields in the area. Twice as much rice has been planted this time, and Israel plans to sell half, which will give us some extra income. Milk production is down as our two cows reach the final stages of their pregnancies. The boys, Radha and Prabhu now look after most of the cow care, with Subu our neighbour dropping in to help with milking.

Hales Feb Visit - Morning Routines

The roosters here seem to crow on the hour every hour through the night so our mornings started with bleary eyes. I loved starting my day on the roof, with my coffee in hand watching the rising sun gradually spread its golden light out over the surrounding fields. The three oldest boys usually left before we got up so they could catch the bus to Madurai where they’d have breakfast at Ps Daniel’s house and then ride their bikes across the river to their technical college. The younger boys had a bit more time to complete morning chores, revise homework; share devotions, bathe, get dressed and eat breakfast before heading off to school.

Hales Feb Visit - Visiting The Village

Walking the younger boys to school is always a highlight. We love the chance to interact with the people in the village. The children usually mob us, but many adults still watch shyly from a distance. We were invited to have a cup of tea at the home of one family, who have been very supportive of Israel and the boys. You can see us with part of the family in the final photo. The family consists of the Grandmother, her five sons, their wives and lots of children all living together. They’ve been a big help to Israel in making connections with people in the village, and sometimes they give us vegetables and fruit from their farm. When we start our new goat group in the village they've offered to help co-ordinate it.

Please click on the OLDER POSTS link to see some of our building dedication photos plus previous posts.

Hales Feb Visit - Building Dedication

On Sunday 26 February about 100 people from Madurai and the village gathered at Shalom for a time of celebration for the new rooms which are now completed to lock-up stage. Karen joined the women and girls playing chase and catch games, the men watched the boys play cricket and everyone enjoyed tea and snacks. In case you're wondering about the last photo, don't worry, Geoff and I don't usually dress like this at functions, we were presented with the turbans and sashes as part of the ceremony and asked to cut the ribbon before everyone entered the rooms for a time of prayer, singing and speeches. It was nice to take part in the formalities and help present new saris and shirts as thank you gifts to the main builder, electrician, village rep, Radha our cook and Prabhu our warden.
