Friday, March 2, 2012

Hales Feb Visit - Building Dedication

On Sunday 26 February about 100 people from Madurai and the village gathered at Shalom for a time of celebration for the new rooms which are now completed to lock-up stage. Karen joined the women and girls playing chase and catch games, the men watched the boys play cricket and everyone enjoyed tea and snacks. In case you're wondering about the last photo, don't worry, Geoff and I don't usually dress like this at functions, we were presented with the turbans and sashes as part of the ceremony and asked to cut the ribbon before everyone entered the rooms for a time of prayer, singing and speeches. It was nice to take part in the formalities and help present new saris and shirts as thank you gifts to the main builder, electrician, village rep, Radha our cook and Prabhu our warden.


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